Our Real Life Fairy Tale!

Our Real Life Fairy Tale!
Our little Angel!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

About our small little family!

Well i am new to this whole blogging thing so lets see if i can figure it out. My family is small but they bring me so much happiness! Matt and I were married on June 27th. That day was one of the happiest days of my life. When you are walking down the isle towards the one you love, the one you are going to spend the rest of you life with, that is the moment you truly know happiness. Matt is my very best friend he means the world to me. I don't know how i got so lucky to marry such an amazing man! I can't put in words how much I love him. It seems like each day I find a new reason to be more in love with him. That as i held my dads arm and walked down the isle I was walking towards the man that change my life, the one I would trust my heart to, my very best friend, my one true love!

We added a cute addition to our small little Family on October 16th 2009. Serenthia Skye Murray was born at 5:32 am, she weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces, and was 21 Inches long.

Today for the first time I held a little piece of heaven in my arms. You never can truly know love until you sit across the bed watching your husband play with your new baby girl. In that moment you know nothing could be more perfect then this.

Serenthia is 6 and a half months old now. She is getting so big! She can say mommy and daddy, She can scoot around the whole room as close to crawling as she possibly could be. Serry is a daddies girl she loves to play with her dad! Matt is a wonderful father. I love watching him play with baby Serenthia! Serry just had her front 2 bottom teeth pop through. She is a little sore from having them come through but she still manages to smile and be her happy self.

This is our family. This is the joy of my life! I have a wonderful husband and we have a wonderful baby girl! I enjoy each day loving being a mom/wife, hoping I can be as good as a mother as mine was. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband who loves me with all his heart. I may not be some big doctor or lawyer, I may not find a cure that will save millions of people but I hope through my life I will be the best mother/wife and touch those of you who come into my life!

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